
Status quo of energy poverty and its mitigation in the EU: report and interactive map


Energy poverty
Energy savings obligation, monitoring and verification


H2020 SocialWatt aimed to enable obligated parties under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive across Europe to develop, adopt, test and spread innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty.

Appropriate tools developed within the project will help utilities and energy suppliers effectively identify energy poor households, as well as develop and monitor schemes that focus on increasing the energy efficiency of these houses.

The purpose of this report is to establish the essential background setting in which the SocialWatt activities will be carried out. It therefore contains definitions and indicators available to measure energy poverty at European and Member State levels, studies on the national contexts for each of the 11 SocialWatt countries and a range of good practice examples that illustrate different approaches taken to alleviate energy poverty. It is completed by an interactive map providing per EU country energy poverty indicators, definitions, adoption of article 7 and actions for EEO schemes as well as policies:

  • Inability to keep home adequately warm
  • Arrears on utility bills
  • European Domestic Energy Poverty Index
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Report contributors: Louise Sunderland (RAP), Catharina Wiese (RAP), Maria-Elisabeth Brucklm (Caritas Austria), Dan Serban (CEZ Vanzare), Alisa Vlasa (CEZ Vanzare), Dominique Osso (EDF), Fabienne Boutiere (EDF), Peter Cabena (Electric Ireland), Pat Lennon (Electric Ireland), Georg Benke (E7), Simone Pantaleoni
(eVISO), Daniele Bergesio (eVISO), Carlo Cigna (eVISO), Valdis Rieksts-Riekstiņš (Fortum), Igor Hegediš (HEP ESCO), Andriana Stavrakaki (ICCS) Symeon Ntanopoulos (ICCS), Zoe Mylona (IEECP), Vangelis Marinakis (IEECP), Camelia Vasile (ISPE), Daniela Burnete (ISPE), Naturgy Foundation, Palasa Amanatidou, (PPC) Ioanna Giannouli (PPC), Froso Filippa (PPC)

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